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     * An IBM PC, XT, AT or 100% compatible.
     * The amount  of RAM  that should  be available  very much  depends on
       which command you  are using and how  big your message base  is, but
       around 300 KB should  be enough in most  cases. If you run  it under
       DoubleDOS/DesqView,  just   try.  If   there's  not   enough  memory
       available, MBUTIL will certainly let you know!
     * Microsoft  MS-DOS  3.00  / IBM  PC-DOS  3.00  or  above. MBUTIL  was
       successfully tested under MS-DOS 4.01.
     * At least "FILES=15" (or more) in your CONFIG.SYS.
     * A RemoteAccess . 0.0x or QuickBBS 2.xx compatible message base.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson